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⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž

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e-scooter.co se trenutno vraća. Više informacija dostupno je na našoj kontakt stranici.

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📰 Indeks

Čezeta skuter marka i kompanija na prodaju

🇨🇿 od

An European scooter brand and company with a cherished heritage dating back to the 1950s.

Čezeta: a car on two wheels from 🇨🇿 Czech Republic

  • High performance, durable and high quality components
  • Top speed of 115 km/h
  • Acceleration of Od 0 do 50 km/h za 2,7 sekundi


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The Čezeta scooter model was created in the 1950s during the period of post-war 'space-age' design. The ideal of the first Czechoslovak Čezeta engineers was to design something comfortable like 'a car on two wheels'. From that idea, Čezeta's iconic scooter design evolved into its famous rocket shape - with an especially long seat made for two.

The Čezeta Type 506 continues the heritage in the next evolution of the Čezeta design powered by an electric motor.

Company for sale

  • EU trademark for the CEZETA logo
  • EU trademark for the CEZETA word
  • a collection of international domains for major European markets such as Italy and Spain, as well as international .com
  • a sales list potentially worth over 7.689.466,00 kn
  • a unique collection of historical CEZETA memorabilia
  • the first electrical vehicle made in the 🇨🇿 Czech Republic, the Type 506 serial #1

Those interested in applying can contact Neil Eamonn Smith through a message at post@cezeta.com.

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(2023) What is the status of Čezeta nowadays? Izvor: ThePack.news

Brands in this article

⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž