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⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž

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Pai Mobility iz 🇨🇳 Kine lansira umjetno inteligentne (AI) maksi-skutere TS3 S i TS3 Pro u 🇪🇺 Europi

🇨🇳 od

Electric motorcycle startup Pai Mobility from 🇨🇳 China launched two new max-scooters in 🇪🇺 Europe: the TS3 S and TS3 Pro. The company was founded in 2021 and is backed by some of the biggest global oriented brands in China, including Lenovo.

pametne naočale s HUD zaslonom

The scooters are equipped with state of the art technologies including an artificial intelligent (AI) dashboard with voice control and an advanced radar system for driver and pedestrian safety. The scooter supports augmented reality (AR) heads-up display (HUD) accessoires.

Pai Mobility plans to implement a convenient battery swapping system for its TS3 electric scooter in Europe. Customers will have several battery options, including a simple battery-swap exchange for a fully charged battery at a cost of 13,07 kn, a monthly subscription of 130,72 kn for unlimited battery swaps, or a leasing option with a price of around 14.071,72 kn.

The scooter is also sold with a powerful home charger that can charge both batteries for a 150 km range in 2,5 sati.

Pai TS3

  • Powerful 15.000 watta electric motor.
  • Fast acceleration: Od 0 do 50 km/h za 2,5 sekundi.
  • 150 km driving range.
  • ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) technology, eight cameras and radar sensors.

TS3 Pro

More info and 🖼️ pictures

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⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž