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⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž

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e-scooter.co se trenutno vraća. Više informacija dostupno je na našoj kontakt stranici.

Ova stranica bit će uskoro ponovno dostupna.

📰 Indeks

Shanghai Customs EV radionica iz 🇨🇳 Kine i 🇳🇿 Novog Zelanda

🇨🇳 od

Shanghai Customs je EV radionica koju je osnovao novozelandski stranac u 🇨🇳 Kini. Tvrtka ima tim stranih obrtnika koji mogu na zahtjev stvoriti prekrasne prilagođene mopede.

The company also creates high quality Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits and provides access to an online Do-It-Yourself community.

eCUB (1950’s Honda Super Cub)

Available as Do-It-Yourself kit. Customization available on demand.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

Veipai Sidecar

Officially sold in the webshop. Shipped worldwide.


More info and 🖼️ pictures

Do-It-Yourself conversion kit for 1950's Honda Cub

The DIY kit is well designed and is based on over two years research including 3D scanning, CAD design, rapid prototyping CNC and custom molding and tooling. The kit enables average technically skilled people to convert a Honda Cub to an eCUB and it includes access to a DIY eCUB community for support.


On demand: create your own custom moped or scooter!

Want something unique? Have your own moped or scooter design or idea?

Let the craftsmen of Shanghai Customs create it!


Changhai Customs
57 Gao’an Road (near Hengshan Road)
Xuhui District

Web: www.sh-customs.com
E-mail: info@sh-customs.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/shanghaicustoms (messenger)

International shipping!

⛽ Pročitaj o Vodičkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo Voda kao Nusproizvod je Laž